Tag Archives: Ethernet

My Home & Location Networks

I’ve had a few people message me on Facebook asking exactly how my network is setup, now that I’ve added the TP-Link TL-WR702N into the mix.

It looks a bit of a mess, and this isn’t the kind of imagery I’m typically used to making in Photoshop, but this is the basic setup.


I’ve set it up this way so that when I need to take certain things out on location, I don’t have to reconfigure everything to log into a different network.

Continue reading My Home & Location Networks

The CubieTruck has Landed

So, I’m now officially a Trucker.  A CubieTrucker, that is.

It arrived yesterday, sadly about half an hour before I had to go out, so I pretty much just had chance to put the case together (almost), and didn’t really get to play with it properly at all.

But, it’s beautiful, look at it!


Continue reading The CubieTruck has Landed